"Yes, the economy's weak, but there's not much more I can do"
Henry Blodget, Business Insider · Friday, Aug. 27, 2010
If you can't spare the time to read Ben Bernanke's whole speech this morning, we'll boil it down to 11 words for you:
"Yes, the economy's weak, but there's not much more I can do."
But, wait, didn't the New York Times say that Ben said the Fed was "ready to prop up the economy"?
Yes, the New York Times said that. And, yes, Ben said there were still other actions the Fed could take. But he didn't make a compelling case that any of them would "prop up the economy."
Specifically, as Joe Weisenthal notes, Ben proposed four (4) ways the Fed could intervene. He then dismissed three (3) of them as ineffective or inappropriate.
Here are three ways Ben said the Fed could potentially intervene--and why it won't use them or they won't help:
* The Fed could change the language used in its "communications" with the public--i.e., promise Wall Street explicitly that the Fed would keep interest rates near zero for years. The theory here is that this would presumably cause traders to go hog wild and bid up asset prices, thus triggering animal spirits that would lead to huge Wall Street bonuses that would then trickle down into the real economy. As Ben observed, however, saying stuff like this would be misleading and it would reduce the Fed's flexibility going forward. So the Fed won't do that.
* The Fed could stop paying banks interest on the money they don't lend. Come again? Yes, it's true. The Fed is currently paying banks 0.25% annual interest on the reserves that they keep at the Fed and don't lend to the real economy. Thus, it is giving the banks a huge subsidy at taxpayer expense just for being banks. (Don't you wish you were a bank?). In any event, Ben proposed that the Fed might stop paying banks not to lend in an effort to encourage them to lend. But then he immediately observed that the cost of money for banks is already so low that this wouldn't really do much.
* The Fed could raise the Fed's stated inflation target from 2%-3% to 4%-5%--thus scaring savers into spending money now before its value gets destroyed. Given that the Fed has demonstrated that it can't CAUSE inflation, at least so far, this would just be another communication tactic: Put the fear of God in savers that the US is about to become Zimbabwe, so they might as well go spend their cash now before it becomes worthless. This is a perverse option, and, thankfully, Ben dismissed it as inappropriate.
So that left the one option that Ben says the Fed might actually consider using that might actually do something: Increasing the size of the Fed's balance sheet.
If the Fed does this--by buying long-dated Treasury securities--it will be a boon to the bond market (prices will go up), and it will also bring long-term interest rates down even lower than they already are. Doing this, of course, will also increase the amount of risk the Fed is taking, and it will also further distort market forces that are already causing havoc in the credit markets (namely, that big Too Big To Fail companies can borrow at near-zero cost while small companies can't borrow at any cost). But it might also stimulate some demand, thus "propping up" the economy.
Don't forget that long-term interest rates are already extremely low. And don't forget that Japan has been trying the "increase the balance sheet and reduce interest rates" trick for more than a decade now--and it hasn't done squat.
So, yes, Ben said the Fed stands ready to do something.
But that something is really only one thing: Increase the size of its balance sheet.
And we have seen no evidence yet that further increasing the balance sheet would actually "prop up" the economy.
Read more: http://www.financialpost.com/news/business-insider/Bernanke+critical+speech+words/3450676/story.html#ixzz0y33I5paA
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